About Us

About Us

What started out as a career in interior design, soon blossomed into a love for fashion. This passion led to refining and perfecting Ahlam’s creative talents through dressmaking.  After many successful years of satisfied clients, Ahlam wanted her art, not herself, to be the shining star.  Thus, in 2006 Ahlam Design Studio was born.  

For over 15 years, Ahlam Design Studio has been creating wonderful works-of-art, best known to its customers as Delicately Handbuilt Jewelry.  These incredibly majestic yet intricate pieces continue to bring joy and splendor to its owners year after year.

Ahlam’s beautiful works have been exhibited and sold at many locations throughout Atlanta including the High Museum of Art Gift Shop, the Topaz Gallery, as well as the Jewelry and Gift Shop at the Four Seasons Hotel.  

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